Monday, March 21, 2011

daddys & mummys

 First blog post this year! My bad but I've been over-whelmed with so much work and what not. Anyways, I decided to explore the genre of depressing poetry. I hope y'all like it :)

daddys and mommys
i wonder if all daddys hit all mommys.
maybe daddys and mommys play hit-and-sleep where daddy hits mommy until she falls asleep
to rest her bruised face and bruised spirit.
mommy says when you sleep your spirit rests,
she says what happens to your body happens to your spirit too.
when you smile, your spirit smiles too
when you laugh, you spirit laughs too
and when daddy slaps you until your eyes cannot close
until blood runs down your nose your spirit is hurt too.

when daddy beats me and his hard boot cuts my flesh
when daddy whips me with the iron buckle of his belt
it leaves welts on my skin and on my spirit.
my skin heals but my spirit can’t, the welts continue to grow.
i feel them sting when i think of daddy,
when i see mommy sleep after their game of hit-and-sleep.

maybe mommy’s spirit doesn’t scar or else all mommys and all daddys wouldn’t play this game.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome back buddy!
    I gave you an award on my blog. Check it out

    Nice poetry!
